Sunday, March 28, 2010

Things to do to snap out of it

Okay, I have been thinking, and I think if I want to get my life on track these are the things I have to do:
  1. Even though I hate my job now, it's the only job I have and there are no other prospects at the moment, so I have to do better at work, because I can't afford to get fired. I have to go to work early so I don't feel cranky when I'm running late and it's so hot because it's almost noon and the sun is at its hottest. And my bosses are beginning to notice my tardiness. I have got to finish all my projects. The mid-year planning session is coming up.
  2. I have to stop being so damned afraid. I have been dreading the mid-year planning session, I said to myself I'm gonna face it this time. Because at the year-end planning session, I chickened out and I took off and it disappointed my boss. It would only take 5 minutes of my life and I think it won't kill me. I will survive it. Plus, it's not like I'm gonna be facing the smartest, wisest people on earth. Some of them are not that smart.
  3. I have to stop buying things that are not important. I will hide my credit card and hopefully forget where I hid it. I know it's dumb but... I have been spending money I don't have. And I plan not to use my credit card until I've paid all my dues.
Well that's all I've got for now. It's not much but it's a start..

Wake Up Joy!

These past few weeks, I feel like I have been sleeping (actually, all I wanted to do was, in fact it still is, sleep) I feel like the last few months of my life has slipped by and I didn't even notice it. I have got to get my self together. Time is flying by so fast, and I don't want to wake up one day and realize my life is over. I don't know how or where to start but, I have to snap out of this. I have to. I have got to get all my affairs in line, starting with my finances which is way out of line. I have been spending money I don't have. If I want to get out of the job I'm presently stuck in, I have to save. If I want to do the things, I have been dreaming about (like traveling), I have to start now. Oh God please help me. I feel like my mind has been on a stand by, and it's so easy to just lie back and watch my life drift by. I don't like what's happening to me and I'm powerless to stop it. At least I think I am. How do I snap out of this?